Trinity Weekly News
Links to Worship Online

Connect - Learn - Grow
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
This 9:30am study group has been meeting Virtually via Zoom to study the weekly readings. To participate and confirm start time, please contact Gregg Yawman for Zoom meeting invitation at
Prayer and Connection Groups
Pastor Doug continues to lead two prayer groups on Wednesdays, 11am and 7pm. For a weekly check-in and time to pray for one another, contact Pastor Doug for the Zoom meeting invitation at
New Virtual Bible Study, Book Clubs, Video Studies & Discussion Groups
Start dates will be set soon for the new book clubs, Bible studies and discussion/support groups. Groups are open to Trinity families, parents, staff, friends, neighbors… so you’re strongly encouraged to invite a friend to participate with you. Sign up now - contact your Trinity Ministry and Communications Coordinator, Chanda Gillenwater, at or 407-490-7339 (text or call)

  • Joining Jesus on His Mission - How to Be An Everyday Missionary by Greg Finke. (Adults, discussion based on reading book) Joining Jesus on His Mission will alter the way you see your life as a follower of Jesus and take you beyond living your life for Jesus to living life with Jesus. Simple, powerful and applicable insights show you how to be on mission and recognize where Jesus is already at work in your neighborhoods, workplaces and schools. You will feel both relief and hope. You may even hear yourself say, "I can do this " as you start responding to the everyday opportunities Jesus is placing in your path.
  • One Nation under God: Healing Racial Divides in America (ADULTS, CPH published study, discussions based on readings, 6-weeks, reading materials needed) We are a nation divided. This division stems from a lack of communication, empathy, and understanding. Author Rev. B. Keith Haney, an African American LCMS pastor, encourages everyone to seek answers to racial tensions in the only place where truth and peace can be found—God’s Word. Healing must begin with Jesus. In this six-session study, you’ll openly communicate and begin the healing process. Let’s be a nation united—united under God. “The study is dangerous and risky. It will demand open and honest conversation. . . . The study will likely make a predominately white-Missouri synod feel discomfort as we talk about prejudice, discrimination, hatred, diversity, and divisions. So be it.”—Rev. Bart Day, Executive Director of National Mission for the LCMS
  • Anxious for Nothing - Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado. Do you feel weighed down with worry? Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Are irrational fears your constant companion? Could you use some calm? In this five-session video Bible study, bestselling author Max Lucado explores God''s treatment plan for anxiety found in the most underlined verse in the Bible, Philippians 4:6-7: Be anxious for nothing, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. As you follow the Biblical prescription - celebrating God''s goodness, asking for his help, leaving your concerns with him, and meditating on good things - you will experience God''s peace. This is a peace that "transcends all understanding" and will help you reframe the way you look at your fears.With the heart of a pastor and his poetic storytelling and homespun humor, Max will help you:*Let God help you win the war on worry and receive the lasting peace of Christ.*Recognize the difference between present anxiety and persistent anxiety. *Find true freedom and experience more joy, clarity, physical renewal, and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit. *Train yourself to rejoice in all circumstances. *Discover the secret of remaining calm when you feel you have more than you can handle. *Know how to encourage a friend and help them navigate anxiety and fear with real help from God''s Word.
  • Surrendered - Letting Go & Living Like Jesus, by Barb Roose (Women's STUDY, Teaching led by author via video, daily study assignments in Study book, 6 weeks long.) Are you disappointed by unchanging circumstances? Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Let go and let God,” which suggests that surrender is God’s path for peace for your life. It may be true, but it’s easier said than done, isn’t it? In this six-week Bible study, you’ll learn how to let go by exploring Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness. As you look to his example, you’ll discover six principles that will equip you to let God lead you to victory as you deal with the problems and pain you are facing. Along the way, you’ll compare Jesus’ responses to those of the Israelites, who also faced a long wilderness season centuries earlier. This study will equip you to give up control, reach for God, let go of fear, and experience the blessings of the surrendered life. It’s possible to let go and live like Jesus and the result is experiencing God’s power and peace as never before.Resources Available: Leader Guide, Study Workbook, Six-Session Teaching videos online.

Groups can start with as few as TWO participants and grow from there! Open to church, CDC, guests, friends, neighbors and strangers. All are welcome to connect, learn and grow! Don't see one that you're looking for? Let us know and we'll find something in your area of interest. If you're new to virtual meetings, don't worry, it's not complicated, and we can walk you through the process. You'll be a pro in no time.
Youth Memorization Challenge (with PRIZES)
To keep your brains sharp and your eyes in the Bible, we have a memorization challenge for our Youth. Ten verses to memorize before we return to our regular Sunday School/Youth Group schedule in the Fall. Our top two “memorizers” will receive a gift card prize, and runners-up will be treated to “first choice of donuts” on our first week back! Anyone who goes above and beyond, let us know! Your ten verses are: 1 Timothy 4:12, Ephesians 4:29, Galatians 6:9, Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 1:8, Philippians 4:13, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Psalm 119:105, Matthew 11:28, Ephesians 6:1. 
Youth Independent Bible Study over the Summer
Any youth/parents interested in completing a youth video Bible Study from Right Now Media over the summer, please contact Chanda for login info, and if you’re seeking someone else to do it with you, reach out to your Youth contacts, or contact the office and we’ll help you find someone to jump in with you.

Lutheran Youth Fellowship Facebook group

OUTREACH - Missional Living 24/7
What can you do from home?  Here are a few first steps. We can support Local First Responders and Essential Workers who are working under high risk conditions, including support for Trinity’s essential CDC workers & church workers, we can bless people in our own local circles of essential workers, we can reach out to those who are lonely and isolated in our community, and we can personally invite people to get connected into a Christ-centered community alongside us.…  

  • Supporting Our Trinity Staff
  • Member written cards of thanks, connection and encouragement
  • Dedicated daily prayers for each CDC staff, as well as all support and Pastoral staff members, person by name, for their health and overall wellness. If you’re interested in either of these options, contact Chanda this week at .  Once we know how many can participate, we’ll divide up names and we’ll share how to get cards to them while we’re all socially distanced.
  • Supporting YOUR local essential workers This refers to essential workers close to where YOU live and work - finding ways to bless those individuals with the love of Christ and small acts of kindness as you go about your day to day life right now.  This would include grocery workers where you shop, mail  carriers who come to your home, salon workers where you get your haircut, etc. Plan in advance to bring with you a card with an inspirational scripture verse, a word of thanks and encouragement, and a promise to pray for that individual by name as long as this pandemic goes on.  Want to participate?  This is one you do from home, on your own, but let us know if you plan to participate and share the response you get from your local essential workers.  We’ll write up the results and share the stories to inspire others!  Email Chanda at 
  • Pen Pals - Community Outreach to Nursing Home Residents. We’re compiling a list of local nursing homes in our area who have residents who have been prevented from having visitors for months and months and would like to have a local pen pal with whom to correspond. We will also add our own list of Trinity shut-ins to this opportunity.  If you would like to become a regular pen pal to a local nursing home resident writing regular letters sharing friendship and the love of Christ, please contact Chanda at ASAP so we can start making assignments. This is a great way to do some personal outreach from the comfort of your own home!  Many thanks to Tina Hamilton for compiling a list of local nursing homes this project!
  • Invite Someone to one of Trinity’s New Study Groups There’s no better way to get someone to church or Bible study than to invite them to do it WITH you.  Ask a friend, relative, coworker, neighbor… and join a discussion group WITH them.  That’s outreach.  We’re planting a seed that has the potential to grow and grow and grow.
  • Other Ideas? Do you have other ideas for our Trinity family to engage in outreach projects from home?  Contact Chanda and share your ideas!

Suggested Online Personal/Spiritual Development Resources
Music Ministry News
On July 19, Anthony Lamourt will join the Music Ministry of Trinity as Minister of Music.  Anthony will serve as Trinity’s traditional service organist, as well as bells and choir director, among other things. Likely you’ll first meet Anthony when we get back to in-person worship in the Sanctuary.  Please plan to bring with you a welcome card and perhaps a small gift of welcome (gift card perhaps) since we won’t be permitted to host a fellowship gathering at this time. THANK YOU!

  • Anthony Mark Lamourt, a native of New York City, NY, has been a professional organist and choir director since his early teenage years. Anthony has attended music programs at the Mannes College of Music, the Manhattan School of Music, the University of Iowa, Berklee College of Music, and Thomas Edison State University. Active in chamber music, choral direction, composition and in jazz, Anthony also plays the harpsichord, fortepiano, xylophone, vibraphone, and a variety of early string and wind instruments. Anthony has performed recitals at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Peter’s Church at the Citicorp Center, and other NYC venues, as well as in New England, the Southeast and Midwestern United States. Throughout his life, Anthony has been an organ builder, piano technician, house painter, carpenter, school teacher, and long haul truck driver. He enjoys reading (mostly theology, philosophy, and science), playing chess, and sailing traditional rig sailboats. Anthony lives with his very patient and (much!) better half, Tia, and their two very mischievous birds and one extremely mellow cat.

Volunteer Service Opportunities
  • Sunday School Teachers are needed for the Fall. If you love children and want to teach them about Jesus and the Bible this just may be your opportunity to serve your Lord at Trinity. If you are interested please contact Pastor Doug at 407.234.5296 or We seek to find enough volunteers to staff two teams. 
  • Choir and Bell Choir – “Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises!” Ps. 47:6 Trinity’s got Talent and we are in search of a few more singers and ringers. If you are interested contact Paul Soost at or Glenda Frazier at  

Sermon Reflection Questions
Pastor Doug has provided some reflection questions for those interested in digging deeper into this weekend's Sermon lesson. These will be posted on our Facebook page as well if you'd like to share insights and responses there for further discussion.
  1. Why does God allow evil to coexist with good in our world? What is your answer? 
  2. In light of today’s message is truth negotiable? Is there absolute truth? What difference does it make? 
  3. In your own words retell the parable found in Matthew 13:24-43. You can write it out or tell it to a friend or family member. 
  4. Jesus says, “he who has ears let him hear.” What did you hear or learn from Jesus in this parable?
President's Equip Conference - One Body, Many Parts
The District is moving the President’s Equip Conference to a virtual format—a new venture for the Florida-Georgia District! It was changed because of the threat of a resurgence of the pandemic, keeping in mind the health and safety of people, along with financial concerns for our congregations and school.
All congregations and schools are encouraged to participate virtually -all you need is a computer or mobile device and an internet connection to attend from home. It's described as "a unique “ministry equipping conference” never done before — bringing together the many parts of one church body. This first-ever virtual conference will include pastors, teachers, vicars, deaconesses, DCEs, lay ministers, youth group leaders, members of the LWML, church councils, boards of elders, school board members and all active and retired men and women interested in ramping up their ministries and ministry skills!"
The conference is still scheduled for September 24-26 and will feature a great variety of speakers, including: David Kinnaman, President of Barna Group; Donna Snow, CPH Author and Speaker; The Skit Guys! As plans are developed and finalized, they will be updated on the district website.
LWML Fall Zone Convention will be hosted virtually this year, due to the cancellation of Lake Buena Vista booking originally planned. If you are interested in becoming a voting delegate and can spend two days (September 24-26) of online attendance, you have a short deadline. Let me hear from you via e-mail as soon as possible as your information must be sent to our Zone President before June 25, 2020. As one of two delegates you will be asked to vote on several proposed grants ranging from $5,000 to $150,000. A full packet of information will be sent to you once your information is received by the Zone President. If interested, contact Mary Lou Evanchyk as soon as possible via phone: 407-491-4452 or e-mail:

Important Dates

August 7 - All Offices Closed for Internal Staff Work Day
August 10 - First Day of new school year in Trinity’s CDC
September 7 - Campus Closed for Labor Day
September 13 - *TENTATIVE* IMMERSE Kingdoms study begins
Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to .
Your prayer request will be added to Trinity’s weekly emails for the congregation. All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly. Confidential prayer requests can be sent to Pastor Doug at .
Those Fighting Cancer 
Gail W, Richard C, Cheryl S, Nora V, Sandy A, Carol D, Mehlia G, Randy H, Travis L, Chuck M, Christine M, John S, Victoria, Rick B
Health Concerns 
Gary B, Keri P, Gordon H, Jim B, Cory C, Herman G, David G, Hazel H, Carolyn M, Yvonne S, Hudson W, Bruce , Fran , Barbara B, Len G, Andrea G, Robert S, Jim C.
Peace and Comfort
  • For the family and friends of Trinity member Mike Hofmann. A memorial will be scheduled at a later date once family members have had time to travel home. Please lift up Mike’s wife Kim, his children.
  • For the family and friends of former Trinity member and teacher, Jeff Wegner
  • For the family and friends of Ruth Brown who has received her crown of glory
  • For the Kallesen family after Pastor Kallesen's uncle was called to glory
Surgery and Recovery 
Rich P, Bob S, Janice D, Austin, Gracie, Maggie E
Confidential Prayers
For those prayers that have been shared in confidence, you know the details, Lord, we lift them up to you
Serving Our Country
2nd Lt. John Kauffman, Alexis Peterson, Chad Elders, Cpls. Ricardo Wright, Cpt., Amanda Killinger, Cpt. Paul Roeder, James Henry Bond , Luke Rawlings, Quinn Koller, Ralph Ramos III, William
Additional Prayers
  • Prayers for our CDC staff & families, Trinity membership and all Trinity staff & leaders
  • Prayers for wisdom and discernment regarding reopening decisions
  • Prayers for peace and unity over the civil unrest and racial division in our city and nation.
  • Prayers for all of the front line workers in our community and nation; our doctors, nurses, EMT, fire fighters, special needs caregivers, essential workers and police.
  • We pray that a vaccine for Covid-19 will be developed soon and we will be able to prevent further illness.
  • Prayers for those who have lost their job or who have been furloughed. And we give thanks for those who have found new employment or have been able to return to their jobs.
  • Prayers of thanks for God’s daily provisions. 
Our Missionaries
Wasmund Family in East Asia, Trump Family in Kenya, Clausing Family in Tanzania, Lehman Family in Spain, Young Family in Kenya
For Our Community - For Our Nation - For Our World
That we may all be a reflection of Christ's love, sharing grace and mercy, living in peace with one another. Reach out, listen, connect, and have those hard conversations.