Thoughts on Identity


By Deaconess Liz


We know who we are: Children of God.  I am part of the body of Christ; I am a Christian believer; I am a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. I know I have citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.  This is what I believe and know to be true.  Each person who claims Jesus Christ as Son of God, Savior, Redeemer and Lord knows who he/she is.  Now look at the Kingdom on Earth and determine if you can have such certainty about your earthly identity.

Most of the people who step onto our Trinity campus every day carry an identification card of some kind.  Parents should have a birth certificate and social security card for their child, teens have student identification cards, and most adults carry a plastic card in their wallet to show they are a legal resident and “real” person.

Take a look at that card.  Is there a gold star in the upper right corner?  If not, you are not in compliance with the federal government.  In fact, if you don’t correct this problem by the end of 2016, you won’t be able to fly on commercial airlines or use any public cross-country transportation. Now, on second glance, you might note that your card has a long expiration date so you believe you are fine until the time for renewal since the date is “valid”.  Wrong.

In 2008, Florida began the process of compliancy with the U.S. Congress’ 2005 REAL ID Act. Florida is currently one of only 20 states that meet the standards of this Act. By December 1, 2014 (that is this year!) any person born after December 1, 1964 must have shown proof of valid citizenship.  Everyone born before December 1, 1964, your deadline is December 1, 2017.  But remember, after 2016 you cannot use commercial airlines without a compliant identification card.  Don’t wait.

To prove you are you, these are the documents you MUST present: a valid birth certificate (original) or a current U.S. passport, a Social Security Card, and TWO current proof of residency documents.  Don’t show up at the Tax Collector or DMV office unprepared.

In 2007, a group of church members from the five downtown churches realized the enormity of meeting identification card standards was not in the scope of possibility for any one church.  The cost and demand to help individuals unable to help themselves far exceeded mos

t of the churches ability.  After eight months of discussion, research, and assistance from the Federation of Churches United Together to Serve, IDignity, Inc. was formed.  Trinity is one of the founding churches.  This not-for-profit 501(c)3 helps poor and needy people circumvent a most complicated path for obtaining a Florida State Identification Card.   If you are living on the streets, in a shelter, or on the couch of a friend or relative, obtaining and providing the necessary documents for a valid state identification card is a time-consuming and arduous process.  Since the first event May 28, 2008, IDignity has helped restore dignity and hope to over 12,000 people.

Each month more than 250 people arrive at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission on Central Ave in Orlando, believing they will find loving, respectful, and encouraging assistance in obtaining the essential identification documents necessary to participate fully in our society.  Every founding church and other churches and organizations “adopts” IDignity for one month of the year. Trinity Lutheran Church and School adopted IDignity for February.  This means we made a special effort to put a dent in the $20,000+ cost of helping our neighbors.

Every Sunday in February, a collection was made to benefit this valuable work.  After four weeks of encouraging $1.00 per person per week, the donations totaled $1550.00, or enough to help 12 people obtain the necessary paperwork for a valid Florida ID.  Glenda Frazier, Omar and Gladys Dittmer, Janine Delehunt, and Carolyn Merrick regularly volunteer their time and many more of our Trinity family have participated in one or more of the monthly events held at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission since May 2008.

Please contact IDignity directly or talk to Deaconess Liz (407-488-1919 X 127).

